Simple way to have a home health checkup in just 1 minute

You only need to use one spoon (spoon), put it in your mouth for about 60 seconds to check your organ health quickly like respiratory system, metabolism, intestinal disease, kidney disease, …

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We all know the importance of monitoring our own health, but very few of us like to see a doctor.The Bright Side page has found a simple way to do a home health checkup in just 1 minute .Invite you to consult!

Picture 1 of Simple way to have a home health checkup in just 1 minute

You only need to use one spoon ( spoon ), put it in your mouth for about 60 seconds to check your organ health quickly like respiratory system, metabolism, intestinal disease, kidney disease, .

  1. First, just use a regular spoon to scrape the entire surface of the tongue until near the throat with some saliva.
  2. Next, place the spoon in a transparent plastic bag and hold the spoon in the bag for about 60 seconds under the light or the sun.The stronger the light, the better the result.
  3. After a minute look back at that spoon.If the spoon is clean, your body is healthy.If you see a smell or stain, you may have some of the following diseases.

If there is an odor:

  1. Strange and powerful smell: can indicate stomach or lung problems.
  2. ” Sweet ” smell: may be a symptom of a larger problem such as high blood sugar or diabetes.
  3. Ammonia smell: maybe your kidneys are not working properly.

If there are stains:

  1. Yellow or white: maybe the thyroid gland is having problems or imbalances in the mouth.
  2. Purple: indicates high cholesterol, poor circulation or bronchitis.
  3. White: maybe you are having a respiratory infection.
  4. Orange: shows your kidneys have problems, such as chronic kidney disease.

In addition, if your scent has an odor, you should pay more attention to dental health by flossing, brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth and twice a day.

Note that this method is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for physician advice.

Having fun!

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