No one would forget this flight! Drama!
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One shocking event occurred on a Delta Airlines flight from Syracuse to Atlanta. One woman started breastfeeding her hairless cat! The rest of the passengers were shocked to see such a thing!
Fox Business reported that the flight attendant used ACATS to let Delta officials on the ground know that the passenger on the seat “13A is breastfeeding a cat and will not put the cat back in its carrier when [flight attendant] requested.”
The flight attendant asked that Delta’s Red Coat team be at the gate in Atlanta to greet the woman when they landed.
The message was:
Delta’s website shared that Red Coats are “the elite airport customer service experts, identifiable by their bright red coats. They are specially trained to handle on-the-stop customer issues.”
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The flight attendant. Ainsley Elizabeth shared on social media what had just happened.
“This is just so crazy,” she said, according to Snopes. “This woman had like one of those hairless cats swaddled up so it would look like a baby. And her shirt was up, and she was trying to get her cat to latch, and she wouldn’t put the cat back in the carrier, and the cat was screaming for her life… you know those little butter packets you get when they don’t have olive oil… she put the butter (motioning to her nipple) yeah.”
Take a look at the video below:
The Delta website also shared, “Delta fully supports a woman’s right to breastfeed onboard Delta and Delta Connection aircraft and in Delta facilities,” Delta said. “Breast pumps are allowed on board. At the airport and if you prefer, many airports do offer private lactation rooms or spaces.”
Dogs, cats, and household birds are allowed by Delta to board domestic flights, but they “must be able to fit in a small, ventilated pet carrier.”
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