Here Is Everything You Should Know about Thyroid Disorders! (Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Remedies!)

Thyroid gland is endocrine gland that is located in the neck and has butterfly-shape. The thyroid secretes two hormones into the blood: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The hormones secreted by the thyroid regulate the growth and development through the rate of metabolism and the protein synthesis.

Doctors warn that thyroid disorders are very common nowadays and scientists have estimated that 1 out of 20 people is at risk to experience some type of thyroid disorder during the lifetime. Despite the fact that thyroid disorders most commonly affect women, men, children and teenagers also may experience issues with the thyroid.

The thyroid gland may be affected by several diseases, and the most common are hyperthyroidismand hypothyroidism and both occur as a result of thyroid hormone imbalance.

Hyperthyroidism is condition when the thyroid gland is abnormally active and as a result of that produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormones which results in a rapid heartbeat and an increased rate of metabolism. Other symptoms of this disease are irritation, nervousness, anxiety, diarrhea, sudden weight loss, heat sensitivity and sleep disorders.

Hypothyroidism is condition then the thyroid gland has abnormally low activity and there is insufficient thyroid hormone production. This results in retardation of growth and mental development in children and adults. Some of the most common symptoms are fatigue, dry skin, weight gain, muscle pain, cramps, concentration difficulties, hair thinning, excess fluid in tissues and cold sensitivity.

Moreover, if the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, autoimmune disorder may occur and at some patients the thyroid may develop several types of nodules and cancer.

Some of the main culprits of thyroid disorders are:

  • Chronic stress
  • Toxin overload
  • Iodine deficiency
  • Metal buildup

How to Prevent and Treat Thyroid Disorder Naturally:

  • Eat Healthy

When it comes to treatment of thyroid disorders, healthy nutrition plays a major role. In order to prevent or to treat thyroid disorder you should lower the intake of refined flours, processed and sugary foods, and start consuming more omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, selenium,and zinc and thus support the health of your thyroid gland.

  • Manage Your Stress

Adrenal exhaustion occurs as a result of chronic stress and substantially increases your risk of developing thyroid disorders. It is highly advisable to start with some stress management program and relaxing activity, for instance you can try various breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, walks in nature, etc. These activities can lower the tension and in same time will help you feel calm and will improve your overall health.

  • Exercise Regularly

Start exercising on regular basis and thus you will promote optimal production of hormones and thus you will promote excellent function of your thyroid gland.

  • Detoxify Your Body

Sauna session or a heat therapy are extremely efficient ways to treat a thyroid disorder. With the help of detoxification you can remove all of the harmful toxins that are accumulated in your organism.

  • Take High-Quality Nutritional Supplements

Before you start taking any nutritional supplement it is extremely important to consult with your physician or nutritionist. There are various nutritional supplements that are extremely powerful and helpful in the treatment of a thyroid problem.

  • Use Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy

Ask your doctor for some thyroid hormone replacement therapy as this is efficient way to prevent or treat these disorders.

  • Prevent the Underlying Causes of Thyroid Problems

In order to prevent any thyroid disorder you need to prevent the underlying causes of the problem. Medical experts explain that you need to find a way and manage stress, treat nutritional deficiencies, allergie and occasionally cleanse your organism from accumulated toxins and heavy metals. In addition to that, it is highly advisable to reduce consummation of gluten and dairy products and thus prevent digestive distress.

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