Joe Rogan Goes There With Sanjay Gupta Over Ivermectin

Last night, clips began to trickle out from an hours-long interview Joe Rogan did with CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta on his top-rated podcast. As RedState covered, a train wreck ensued in which Gupta was left stammering and unable to rectify his differing positions on risk management regarding COVID-19.

But more clips are out this morning, and we finally have the exchange I believe most people were waiting for. In it, Rogan presses Gupta on CNN lying about human form ivermectin being “horse dewormer,” a media narrative that exploded after the former was prescribed it as part of a treatment regimen for COVID-19.

Here’s what that sounded like, and it was nothing good for Gupta.

In the video, Gupta is cornered about why his network chose to spread false information regarding Rogan and ivermectin, with the latter being attacked by CNN hosts as some kind of anti-vaccine kook that takes animal medicine.

That led to this hilarious quip.

Gupta just has no answer for why he, as CNN’s chief medical analyst, did nothing to quell the hysteria his network spread over Rogan taking ivermectin.

In the clip, Gupta tried to smooth things over by asking “what did they say,” as if he wasn’t aware of a multi-day freakout on his own network. After Rogan clarifies, the TV doctor admits multiple times they shouldn’t have framed the discussion that way. Still, he doesn’t actually apologize or directly condemn any of the other figures on CNN who spouted the disinformation in question.

At another point, the FDA’s response to Rogan is brought up, which included a snarky tweet saying “you are not a horse.” Again, Gupta is somewhat conciliatory but tries to shift to the idea that some were actually taking the animal form of the medication. Rogan was having none of that, though, and quickly redirected back to his situation.

Toward the end, Gupta is good and fully cornered, with Rogan asking him why he as the “medical guy over there” didn’t push back on the lies being spread. He concedes that he should have but that he “didn’t ask” any of his colleagues prior to the podcast why they did what they did.

Throughout the exchange, you see Gupta attempting to defuse the situation using techniques meant to find common ground. It just doesn’t work here, though. Rogan not only has the facts on his side, but he also has common decency as well. What CNN did to him was a disgusting breach of journalistic ethics. The liberal network chose to propagate a false narrative in order to take political shots at a podcast host they don’t like.

Gupta did try to somewhat declare victory following the interview.

I’m glad he did the interview too, and to be completely fair, major props to him for following through. A lot of media personalities would have been too cowardly to do so. Still, his tweet reads completely different than how he appeared during the interview. That’s part of the inauthenticity problem at CNN. When their hosts are in their bubbles, they take a completely different approach.

Regardless, everyone spouting off about “horse-dewormer” knew that wasn’t what Rogan was taking. Gupta, being in the position he’s in, had the chance to do the right thing as an authoritative figure given his credentials. Instead, he sat idly by while his clownish co-workers spread falsehoods. So to the extent that Gupta seems like a rather nice guy, and he genuinely does, he still deserved the undressing he got here. You cannot be two different people depending on who owns the camera that’s on and not be called out for it.

In the end, I suspect this will be the last interview Rogan does with a CNN talking head. Too much was exposed here.

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