11 Herbs to Help You Quit Smoking Cigarettes the Natural Way!

The quitter should be aware of some of the symptoms nicotine withdrawal can bring.

It is a well-documented fact and important to understand that most of cigarette quitters feel the same way. It is equally important to know what to expect and be prepared for it.

  • Anxiety
  • Cravings
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Irritability
  • Elevated appetite
  • Higher blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Feeling of restlessness
  • Stomach irritability

Before we check on herbs that will help you quit smoking, you may want to know what negative effects cigarettes have on your body, it should help you be more motivated.

Here are some of the herbs which can help stave off those symptoms and help the quitter on his way to becoming an ex-smoker:

Herbs That Help with Smoking Cravings


This is the first herb that comes up when talking about quitting smoking naturally. Lobelia is known to act as a temporary nicotine replacement.

Drinking Lobelia tea, they say, has the effect of making cigarettes taste bad.

Lobelia has been banned for a short time in 1993 for being ineffective but later research showed that lobeline, the derivative, may increase levels of dopamine in the brain similar to cigarettes. The FDA has allowed it again.

St. John’s Wort

It has been known for years for its ability to promote positive mental attitude. When quitting cigarettes there is a tendency to feel depressed for a short time. St. John’s wort helps combat that feeling without resorting to medications.

Black Cohosh

In addition to its ability to help women stay balanced during the menstrual cycle, Black Cohosh is a sedative that relieves anxiety and nervousness. Those elements appear sometimes when the body goes through the withdrawal process.

Korean Ginseng

One of the most often used herbal supplements, it is known to stimulate energy and help the body deal with stress. It is also known to help in reducing cholesterol and balancing different body systems. When quitting smoking cigarettes, Korean ginseng helps by alleviating the fatigue and anxiety associated with the process.

Peppermint Leaves

Have a relaxing effect on the digestive system. It should be drank with every form of nicotine withdrawal, since it is known that nicotine has an effect on the digestive system.

A great remedy for gas in babies and adults, it will help regulate the digestive system and avoid constipation that sometimes accompanies the withdrawal.

Valerian Root

Has been known for generations for its calming properties. It also acts as a muscle relaxant. If you suffer from insomnia and restlessness, valerian is one of the best sedative herbs.

Mimosa Tea

Is known to improve mood and peace of mind. Using the root bark to make tea, when a person feels anxious, will relieve the feeling of uneasiness.

Blue Vervain

A herb used to treat insomnia. It has calming effects as well.

Passion Flower

To help with irritability which is associated with the first few days of the quitting process, the Passion Flower has the ability to promote calmness and relaxation.


Helps in cleaning the mucus that has accumulated in the smoker’s lungs. In the first few days after quitting cigarettes, the body starts to reject the mucus that has been accumulating.

The quitter might go through coughing bouts that bring up some of the mucus. Hyssop helps in separating it from the lungs and making it easier to cough it all out.

It is recommended not to use any medication to dry up the mucus. Use Hyssop instead to get it out.


Encourages the brain to produce more endorphins. It is used in treatment of nervous tension and anxiety.

Final Words

There are of course some who sell a mixture of herbs to help in smoking cessation.

They come under many names and include different combinations of the herbs mentioned here and some that very few know what they are. They might help as well in the road to becoming nicotine-free.

It is important to note that all of those herbs have to be taken with an increase in intake of liquids, preferably water.

It is equally important to change the diet a bit to accommodate more fruit and vegetables to add fiber to avoid constipation.

Experts recommend avoiding dairy foods because they produce mucus. Aromatic herbs such as rosemary, thyme, ginger and cayenne may help the quitter feel better as well.

You can quit smoking the natural way. It is not an easy road, but the rewards of not smoking far out way the limited time difficulty.

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